About image
The Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP)  in Medicine science is  a Medical science  research
education and training center supported by a MD PhD professional team, including medical science researcher, university professors, clinicians, and health educators from Universities, and Research Institutes across North America and China since 2016. Currently, it is a registered non-profit organization
in Canada in 2022 as SUN LIFE GENE (www.sunlifegene.com).

The Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP) in Medical Science has a mission to inspire youth through participating in hands-on activities in the areas of Medical Science. We have a chance to bridge the gap between students and the ‘real world’ of Top Medical Science Research through our educational initiatives and prepare them in a world with related career opportunities.

SLAP take a hands-on approach to exploring topics in medical science. While at SLAP, students will be exposed to interesting subject matter, through lectures, tutoring, mentoring , supervising and in person discussions. Students will also have the chance to solve medical research problems, design and construct a variety of projects, and be exposed to cutting-edge research at top of the world's finest medical science research in Toronto. SLAP courses are taught by MD PhD medical science research scientists in Toronto, and our instructors are passionate about teaching and are excited to share their knowledge with students. The personalized SLAP program is open to all middle school to undergraduate students. All program courses run during 8:30pm to 10:30pm from Monday to Friday, or all day on Saturday/Sunday, and also can be rescheduled. Each program will run for 4-8 weeks ( 16 hrs/program). Special research events and visiting study days will be arranged.

SLAP is also committed to publishing student’s scientific articles in medical science research.
Including COVID 19 research, Immunology and Autoimmune Disease, Molecular biology
and Genomic Editing, Cancer biology and Immunotherapy, cardiology and heart failure
as well as TOP advanced biotechnologies.