Keva Garg Young Investigator in Medicine Award

The Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP) in Medicine The Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP) in Medicine science is a research education and training center supported by a MD PhD professional team, including medical science researcher, university professors, clinicians, and health educators from Universities, and Research Institutes across North America and China since 2016. The Sun Life Gene Academic Program (SLAP) in Medical Science has a mission to inspire youth through participating in hands-on activities in the areas of Medical Science and Reserach. We have a chance to bridge the gap between students and the ‘real world’ of Top Medical Science Research through our educational initiatives and prepare them in a world with related career opportunities. The personalized SLAP program is open to all middle school to undergraduate students. SLAP is also committed to publishing student’s scientific articles in medical science research. With the help of Dr. Allina Ding Wang, Co-Chair at the SLAP, Garg family has also established an annual award in the memory of their daughter Keva Garg who is one of the most outstanding student in SLAP program and She is excellent Student at the University of Toronto Schools / HOSA National Officer in Canada. “Keva Garg Young Investigator Award in Medical Sciences". First award ceremony was held on Sept 17, 2022, at the 6th Annual SLAP Medical Science Research Day SLAP is a registered non-profit organization in Canada in 2022 as SUN LIFE GENE For more information visit the Web Site Donations bb