•  Any medication you require (asthma inhaler, EpiPen, etc.) 
  • Health Card
  • Long pants, closed-toed shoes, hair tie, and socks for in-lab activities 
  • Preferred notebook, pens/pencils, ruler and calculator(optional)
    • Note that all classroom materials will be provided 
  • A reusable water bottle


We have a zero-tolerance policy for the following scenarios and behaviours. This policy is informed by Ontario and Federal law, guidelines of the Ontario Camps Association, and conduct expectations of the University of Toronto, UHN and SMH. These types of behaviour will result in immediate program expulsion and the cost of their return home will be the sole responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. Refunds will not be issued.  

  • All SLAP participants, parents, staff and volunteers are expected to refrain from: • Abusive (physical, sexual, emotional) or violent behaviours, including harassment and bullying, towards any member of the SLAP community 
  • Sexist, racist or homophobic behaviour 
  • Inappropriate physical contact 
  • Being in possession, or under the influence, of alcohol or drugs 
  • Providing alcohol to underage students 
  • Being in possession of weapons, firearms or explosive devices 
  • Vandalism or destruction of property 
  • Dropping or throwing objects during SLAP if doing so impacts the safety of others. 


  • Attending all classes or any events for which you are registered 
  • Cooperating with requests and following instructions from SLAP staff members.
  • Leaving a scheduled activities and classes with permission 
  • Following any communicated community boundaries  
  • Demonstrating safe, respectful and sanitary behaviour  

Failure to meet these minimum expectations will result in a verbal warning and parents may be contacted. Students and parents will be cautioned that further disruption could result in expulsion. If a solution cannot be agreed upon, the student may be asked to leave the program immediately. The cost of their return home will be the sole responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. Refunds will not be issued.  

We ask that program participants do not bring any nuts or nut products to SLAP for the safety of all students and staff.  Students are expected to respect SLAP staff and other participants as well as their surrounding environment (including materials, equipment, facilities). Students are responsible for their personal belongings, and we cannot provide any insurance coverage for personal belongings.